Per Rollcall: Minner says she’ll appoint former Biden aide Ted Kaufman to fill the rest of Biden’s term.…
All at once now…”Who the hell is Ted Kaufman?”
Smells like a placeholder for Beau, no matter what Beau has said previously. And it would seem this move would open the door for a Castle candidacy if he is so inclined.
At a minimum this adds an element of uncertainty to a seat we should hopefully have been able to take for granted.
Even without Beau, the Democratic bench is very deep and I expect to hold the seat.
Even the place-holder has to be someone in the Biden inner circle?
I think they know Castle’s health is so bad he won’t run a quixotic run for senate. Biden or Carney would destroy him. So basically they’re trying to tiptoe around everyone here.
i do believe we make very capable office-holders. i just think that appointing placeholders is for wimps. open seats are expensive and dangerous, especially when we don’t know how popular president obama will be in 2 years.
the names i’m hearing in illinois are not giving me confidence either.